Archives | Sonnet: The Dreamer

Originally posted on July 1, 2015

Last Tuesday, I was caught up between glances to the classroom door waiting for my professor’s arrival and a handful of time to spare. Since I was too engrossed in reviewing notes, I thought of daring myself into a yet dreadful work I have never allowed myself into before, that is writing a sonnet. At first, I let myself get lost in the flow of thoughts until I wrote the first line, and, eureka! The idea of trying to scribble down my first sonnet came like a frigging wrecking ball. It took me more than twelve hours to arrange and unify the rhythm, thought and rhyme – the longest time I have ever dedicated to writing a poem in one day. Probably to some of you it’s not much, but this piece means a lot to me, as it was my first step to writing one of the things I’m afraid of, literally; I’m afraid of sonnets because they seem so hard to write. I hope you enjoy reading it. 🙂


Each passing day she thought of nothing else,
As time unfurled without her knowing it.
She’d let the brightest sun build its shackles,
And held the keys, so stars could beam the grit.
Like wine, she granted years brood her command,
Awaited to be best among the strange.
The dream of waking up to godly hand,
And eye a precious stone are such derange.
But hard works don’t repay as she asleep,
Golden pot would be claimed through deep plummet.
Winter now fates to yield deservedly reap,
And shall take a great triumph so adept.
If anything would hiss versus her breath,
Adversaries must slowly pain to death.

17 thoughts on “Archives | Sonnet: The Dreamer

    1. Danica Aquino says:

      This really IS my first sonnet up to this day. See how afraid I am to try and write another one? Thanks for reading anyway! I’m glad you liked it 🙂


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